Company Introduction

ejpa Oil Refining and Bitumen Company was established in 1983, and has been selected as a model unit of national standard by installing modern equipment. This is because improving the quality of petroleum products coming out of in its sites is one of the prominent obligations of this company. Dejpa Laboratory is the partner of Iran National Organization for Standardization, and holds the certificate of 1705 International qualification. Therefore, one of the tasks introduced to this company is to provide laboratory services for public and private clients. Dejpa’s products include PG, Pen Grade bitumen, emulsion, MC bitumen and Rubber Bitumen, various types of hydrocarbons and metal barrels, all of which are carefully controlled by state-of-the-art technology and smart equipment in their production process.
Dejpa Oil Refining and Bitumen Company is an active member of the “Iranian Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Products Exporters’ Union” and plays an effective role in producing the petroleum products of the country. Not only has Dejpa Refinery exported its products to more than 33 countries, but the bitumen produced by this unit is also used by the Ministry of Roads, municipalities and private companies in construction projects. This has created a network of customers loyal to Dejpa.
Dejpa a role model in expanding the roads


برخی از استانداردهای اخذ شده توسط شرکت

آخرین اخبار

آقای وحيد نباتي پور

پیام عرض تسلیت

هوالباقی با نهایت تأسف و تأثر به استحضار می رساند آقای وحيد نباتي پور مدير بازرگاني شرکت سپنتا فراز اسپادانا عضو کمیسیون […]